September 27, 2008

Please Vote No on Florida's Admendment 2 (Marriage Protection Act). We're not all gay you know!

It is easy to get caught up in the rhetoric of "gay" marriage, same sex unions or whatever you want to call them. One thing to remember is there are lots of us out here that are in heterosexual, committed relationships where we just choose to not get married. I do not think it is the role of a government to define my relationship. Normally, I would not care how the government defined me, but there is an issue that will affect many people that work for public agencies--domestic partner benefits. Since we are a family, we are fortunately considered one by my girlfriend's employer when it comes to benefits. While we are not directly affected because she does not work for a public agency, I know how I would feel if due to a state law, this had to change. I know that when people think of these type of amendments they think there is an entire gay agenda but in reality, this affects everyone. I know you can say that if we choose to not get married (shame on us, living in sin and all that nonsense) that we should not be entitled to benefits, but why would the government be in that business of telling us how to live. Regardless of how you feel about gay marriage, this amendment is mean and punitive. Does the sponsor of this bill think gay people are going to magically disappear so he/she does not have to explain why those two men are holding hands? The truth is that this will impact many people including public servants, police and firefighters all over the state. I implore the voters of the state to reject this amendment.

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