September 05, 2005

Bush makes second trip to battered Gulf Coast - Hurricane Katrina -

President Bush has sealed his legacy. While the White House enters a game of blaming the locals (as if these people need more beating than they have already received), his legacy will now be of the MBA President that is far more theory than execution. The President that dictated he would not be a man of the polls. A President that feigns compassion based on what his handlers tell him. President Bush lacks compassion, sincerity and clearly judegment in the people he chooses to surround himself with in his administration.

Now, I am not going to say this is fair. I know the detractors are saying it takes time to mobilize the Federal government. Working in a government agency, I know this to be true. Many people are doing their level best to get the help to where it belongs. Unfortunately for the President, politics -- and more so -- history are NOT fair. We could chalk this up to bad luck. To lost a major part of New York to 9/11 and not to lose an entire city on your watch can be thought of as nothing less than bad luck. Clearly, more preparation is necessary in preparing responses. Perhaps we all lauded the entry of the non-professionals arrival in Washington. Appointing friends and political cronies to positions in DHS and FEMA may not have been the best of ideas. Then again, as I said before; the only thing history will judge is the response. Does anyone believe President Clinton would not have been a far more compassionate human being in response to this tragedy? Do you doubt it for a minute? President Bush may be the most compassionate person in the world, but I feel his handlers will simply not let him be. Then again, maybe the demon inside him keeps him from truly feeling for these people. Hey, I guess the slacker President was not such a good idea afterall. God Bless the people of New Orleans and the rest of the states. Hopefully, history is kinder to President Bush than it has been to New Orleans. And finally, I sincerely hope this President that seems to publicly favor accountability will stand up, take responsibility and do what is right to restore confidence in our Federal Government.

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