July 23, 2006

Coming Clean on France

I was the worst offender. I made the jokes about the French giving up. Yes, yes I did. But, now; thanks to a visit to this marvelous place, I am cured. You see, if you don;t like the French, the I have a simple plan -- go to France. I can hear you saying it, but they are rude. That is simply an outdated idea. It is very much the other way around. It is we Americans that are the rude ones. We walk into a store and immediately we start talking business.

"How much is this?"

"Do you speak English?".

The French are so much more polite and civilized than we. You walk into a store, say hello! Or Good Morning/afternoon/evening. Take a moment to be civil. Take a moment to remember that we are both human beings and some basic courtesy goes very far indeed.

I had the greatest week in Paris. The French people were wonderful. They were more than helpful. Between my limited (and Spanish-accented French) and their English ; we made it through. The metro clerk was even asking me how to say 55 cents. A far cry from the idea that they refuse to speak English. So, the next time someone takes the fashionable path and starts to bash the French, ask them if they have been there? If they have, ask them if they took some time to maintain their membership in the human race? And if they have not been there (or you for that matter), make a reservation and go see what the world is talking about. It is one of the greatest places on the planet.

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